

克里斯·加纳- 2018年4月18日星期三

在底特律及其周边地区,有许多业主拥有出租物业. 大多数拥有多个物业的业主都指派合适的物业经理来完成管理物业的困难(尽管是必要的)任务.

当然,一个人需要在这个问题上做一些功课和研究. 首先向其他业主询问合适的物业经理总是一个好主意.一旦你选出了几个候选人, 你可以从亲自面试开始,进一步评估候选人.

在这一轮面试中, 试着了解一下物业经理过去管理类似物业的经验. Only through a great deal of experience can one understand various aspects of managing property; aspects which no school or college or institute is likely to teach.

当然,你还必须询问经理他们的教育资格和有关租赁房地产管理的证书. Many new laws and regulations are passed on a daily basis in this field; so it is good to have a manager who is likely to continue education in this field so he is abreast of these latest developments.

最后, a manager must be willing to dedicate the right amount of time to your property; if he is already handling several properties at a time, 他的工作量可能使他没有能力充分公正地对待你的365电竞入口.

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